Saturday, January 25, 2014


Over the last 6 months, I have been working on a solo piano piece called Fantasy by  Mozart.  This 100 measure piece is one of Mozart's most famous compositions even though he died before fully completing it. The composition was never completed so it is believed that one of Mozart's admirers, August Eberhard Muller, completed the composition.  

Mozart was a child prodigy.  From age four he could play full symphonies and by age 6 he was already composing pieces.  As a young child, Mozart was learning from the tours he did.  He was best friends with Haydn which he later dedicated a composition to him.  On December 5, 1791, Mozart died at age 35, leaving behind 600 compositions, including works for symphonies, the piano, and the opera. Some of these compositions are considered to be the finest works in the Classical style.

I really enjoy playing this piece because the composition has a lot of different feelings to it.  At some points of this composition,  it sounds as if something bad is going to happen but then everything becomes mellow and sweet.

Who is your favorite composer?

Did you enjoy this piece?


  1. Dear Miriam,

    Brava! Fantastic! You are quite the pianist these days! I love it!

    Once again, you have brought great joy to me. I love listening to classical music, and Mozart is one of my favorite composers. I have the music from the movie Amadeus as well as several Mozart CDs that I enjoy.

    It is quite remarkable that such a young person could compose such deeply moving music. The emotional range that he had is stunning. He must have had music on his mind all the time!

    One thing I read about Mozart on World Book Online is that he was quite playful. I like that! I was also reminded, as I read, that he died in poverty. That is hard to believe given his talent.

    Do you still have the World Book Online username and password? If not, let me know and I'll give it to you again. It is a wonderful resource for research. Let me know if you learn any new facts or find any new features on the World Book Online resource!

    Your proud former teacher,
    Mrs. Y♥llis

    1. @Mrs. Yollis,

      Thank you so much for your wonderful comment. Mozart was a wonderful composer and it is hard to believe that Mozart died as a poor man.

      I would really appreciate the World Book Online username and password as I am working on a project on China.

      Your former student,

  2. Miriam
    A fantastic piece of writing and so informative. I have to admit that unlike Mrs Yollis I am not a fan really of classical music so I didn't really know the background about the piece before reading your post. Mrs Yollis is write it is amazing to think that Mozart died in poverty. His talent was amazing and I think that you did a fantastic job playing the piece. This year I have moved to a new school, and our students have individual pages, I have always been a huge fan of your writing and your site and will be returning during the next few weeks with the students from my (new) class.
    Mr Webb and Room One, Auroa Primary School, Taranaki, New Zealand.

    1. @Mr. Webb,

      Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving a comment. It is hard to believe that Mozart, a famous musician and composer, would be able to die as a poor man. I hope you enjoyed this piece by Mozart and hope you will continue to listen and enjoy classical music.

      Good luck with your new class,

  3. Dear Miriam,
    I love Mozart, you play so well and you improved a lot from last year.
    We are very proud of you, please continue to practice. I like that you do little research about the composers and you know little details about their lives. I always find this very interesting and I learned from your blog new information.
    Love you,
    Grandma Tanya and Grandpa Eugene


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